2024/10/22 14:20

European Union citizens residing in Spain
Declaration of willingness to exercise the right to vote in municipal and European Parliament elections in Spain.

Means of access

Puede acceder acreditando su identidad mediante el sistema Cl@ve.

Si no dispone de Cl@ve, deberá descargar el impreso de solicitud y seguir sus instrucciones (Modelo DFA). 

Description of functionality

It allows European Union citizens to declare their willingness to exercise the right to vote in municipal and European Parliament elections in Spain, which is a necessary requirement for registration in the electoral roll for those elections.Permet als ciutadans de la Unió Europea manifestar la voluntat d'exercir a Espanya el dret de sufragi actiu en les eleccions municipals i al Parlament Europeu, que és un requisit necessari per a la inscripció en el cens electoral d'aqueixes eleccions.

Deberá acceder según se indica en el apartado anterior "forma de acceso".

Once identified, their census data and the option to declare their willingness to exercise the right to vote in municipal and European Parliament elections in Spain will be presented.

If you intend to vote in the European Parliament elections, you must declare that you will only exercise this right to vote in Spain and inform the local authority or constituency of your Member State of origin where you were last registered on the electoral roll.

To access

©  INE 2024      Avda. Manoteras, 52 - 28050 - Madrid - Spain Tlf: (+34) 91 583 91 00