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Law 11/2007, of 22 June, regarding electronic access of Citizens to Public Services, recognises the right of citizens to relate with the Public Administrations via electronic means, and regulates the basic aspects of the use of information technologies in administrative activity, in the relations between the Public Administrations, as well as in the relations of citizens with the same, for the purpose of guaranteeing their rights, a common treatment of them, and the validity and efficiency of the administrative activity in conditions of legal security.

The Electronic Office is subject to the following regulations:

Law 39/2015, of 1 October, the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations  

Royal Decree 1671/2009, of 6 November, in that which is not repealed by Law 39/2015, of the 1st October  

Resolution of 16 December 2009, of the Office of the President of the INE, creating the Electronic Headquarters   

Resolución de 10 de febrero de 2011, de la Presidencia del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, de utilización de un código seguro de verificación de documentos electrónicos por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística

Procedure regulations

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