By Resolution of the Office of the President of the National Statistics Institute (INE), of 16 December 2009 , the unique Electronic Headquarters of this Body has been created, with the address, in conformity with Law 39/2015, of 1 October, the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations and with the regulation which it develops. This Headquarters enables the carrying out of actions, procedures and services requiring citizens' secure and effective online electronic access to INE public services, and with the requisite accessibility and quality.
Ownership of the Electronic Headquarters constitutes an online domain belonging to the INE (CIF Q-2826039F), Paseo de la Castellana 183, 28071-Madrid, owned by the President of the Institute, expressly delegated to the General Director of Planning, Coordination and Statistical Dissemination.
Intellectual property rights of the Headquarters, its graphic design and codes contained therein are the property of the INE, unless specifically shown otherwise. Unauthorised reproduction, distribution, marketing or transformation of its content, unless this is for personal and private use, may constitute an offence against the owner's or concerned parties' intellectual property rights. All distinctive signs and branding are protected by Law, and may give rise to appropriate legal proceedings. If using information from the Headquarters, the source or ownership of the information included must be quoted.
The INE reserves the right to make appropriate changes without prior notice, in order to update, correct, amend or add Headquarters content of design thereof. IN any case, it assumes no responsibility which third parties have included in hyperlinks or links to sections hosted at this Headquarters.
With regard to hyperlinks made from this Headquarters to external sites, the INE cannot take responsibility for the integrity and observance of accessibility and quality of these.
© INE 2025 Avda. Manoteras, 52 - 28050 - Madrid - Spain Tlf: (+34) 91 583 91 00