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Procedure form

Name: sanction procedure due to failure to comply with the statistical obligations set out in Law 12/1989, of 9 May, of the Public Statistical Function.

Description: this enables different individuals and companies to access the sanctioning files, in which they meet the condition of interested party, as well as to obtain copies of the documents composing the file, to submit allegations and appeals, and as pertinent, to carry out electronic payment.

Body responsible: the instruction for the sanctioning proceedings corresponds to the Secretariat General of the National Statistics Institute.

Subject: statistics

How to Initiate: officially by the Administration

Maximum timescale for resolution and notification: 6 months

Effects non-resolution within the timeframe: expiry

Authentication means: electronic certificates published in the electronic headquarters of the INE

Procedure login address: https://sede.ine.gob.es/sanciones_en

SIA Code: 991596

The following actions and procedures may be performed here

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