The Municipal Register is the administrative register in which all of the persons who regularly reside in the municipality are recorded. Every person who lives in Spain is obligated to register in the Municipal Register of the municipality in which they habitually reside, and anyone living in more than one municipality must register only in the one in which they live longest during the year. The compilation, maintenance, review and safeguarding of the Municipal Register corresponds to the Municipal Council, and its data constitutes proof of residence in the municipality and of the habitual place of abode therein.
In order to carry out the coordination of all of the Municipal Registers, avoiding duplicities between them, the INE has a register database comprised of all of the Municipal Registers, which is updated monthly with the variations sent by the Municipal Councils. This coordination is also carried out with the Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad.
Registration in the Municipal Register contains the following compulsory data: given name and surname(s), sex, place of abode, nationality, place and date of birth, ID or substitute document for foreign nationals, and school or academic certificate or qualification.
Any interested party with an electronic certificate may consult the registration information in the register database of the INE electronically.
This Register information query may be requested by completing an online form, available from the Electronic Headquarters of the INE, by providing proof of a identity by means of a recognised electronic signature. Information shall not be provided if the data from the electronic identity certificate does not coincide exactly with the data from the register registration.
Any interested party who is registered in the Municipal Register of some Municipal Council, who has an electronic certificate recognised by the electronic headquarters of the INE.
The result of the query will show the compulsory registration data, the description of the latest variation available in the INE, as well as the registration date of the version. This information is presented on screen and may be printed.
The register information of the INE needs not coincide with that of the Municipal Council, and does not serve as a base for issuing registration certificates or forms.
The compilation, maintenance, review and safeguarding of the Municipal Register corresponds to the Municipal Council, not to the INE. To this end, the request for registration in the Municipal Register of the municipality in which the person habitually resides, or the amendments to the register information, in case of not being updated or of being erroneous, should be made at the corresponding Municipal Council, bearing in mind that, if some of this paperwork has been carried out recently in the Municipal Council, the register database of the INE presents an update lag of about two months.
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