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Electronic Office - National Statistics Institute
General enquiries
Data Population Register (Padrón) query
Register of resident in Spain
Querying of registration data in the register database
Online consultation of the history of municipalities in the INE registry base
Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad (PERE)
Querying of registration data in the PERE
Certificate request in the central file of the PERE
Electoral Census Procedures
Challenging Electoral Census registration data during a non-election period
Electoral Census record enquiry
Challenges to the Electoral Census outside of the electoral period
Application for exclusion/inclusion in the copies of the census for electoral propaganda
Expression of the wish to exercise the right to active suffrage in Spain of EU citizens
CPI telematic certificates
Information on procedural status
Sanctioning procedure
Electronic register
Web payments (Sanctions and Other payments)
Postgraduate grant
INE informant protection channel
Actions with the DPD of the INE
National Statistics Award
Proyectos de investigación
Submit complaints and suggestions
Calendar of non-working days
Electronic certificate and signature
Secure Verification Code
Electronic Notifications
Verification of Electronic Office certificate
Access channels to the Electronic Office
Enquiries about the Electronic Office
Electronic Office user guide
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Electronic Office
/ Electronic payment / Web payments (Sanctions and Other payments)
Payment by transfer of sanctions and other payments is governed by the following regulations:
Law 12/1989 on the Public Statistical Services, of 9 May
Fourth additional order of Law 4/1990 of 29 June on General State Budgets for 1990
Go to the second additional order of Law 13/1996, of 30 December, Tax and Administrative and Social Measures
Royal Decree 939/2005, of 29th July, whereby General Collection Regulations are approved
Royal Decree 1398/1993, of 4th August, whereby Regulations for the procedure are approved for the exercising of sanctioning authority
Royal Decree 1572/1993, of 10 September, whereby the Administrative procedural regulation for penalising Offences of non-fulfilment of commitments set out inthe Law on the Public Statistical Services is established
Royal Decree 508/2001, of 11 May, endorsing the Regulations of the National Statistics Institute and subsequent amendments
Law 39/2015, of 1 October, the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations
Royal Decree 1671/2009, of 6 November, in that which is not repealed by Law 39/2015, of the 1st October
Royal Decree 772/1999, of 7 May, regulating the submission of requests, writs and communications to the General State Administration, the issue of copies of documents and the return of originals, and the scheme of the record offices
Order HAC/729/2003, of 28 march, of the Ministry of the Treasury, establishing the cases and general conditions for the payment, by telematic means, of the fees that constitute resources of the General State Administration and its Bodies
Relevant links
Procedure form
INE 2024
Avda. Manoteras, 52 - 28050 - Madrid - Spain Tlf: (+34) 91 583 91 00
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